CPR Nation
CPR Nation seeks to raise awareness about Sudden Cardiac Arrest and provide resources to Sudden Cardiac Arrest survivors and their families

Learn CPR

It's easy to take a few minutes to learn a life-saving skill!


  • CALL 911 - and send someone to find an AED if a person is not responding and not breathing normally 
  • COMPRESS - hands on center of chest, push hard (2 inches) and fast (100 times/min)
  • CLEAR - after locating AED, turn on and follow voice prompt

Check out the CPR/AED apps from Life-Saver.org! Compatible with iOS and Android phones and tablets!!

Immediate CPR doubles a person's chance of survival from sudden cardiac arrest.

Brain cell death begins to occur with 4-6 minutes of collapse due to sudden cardiac arrest.

Find a CPR course through the American Heart Association or Red Cross.

Check out the CPR "how-to" videos in English and Spanish.




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