CPR Nation
CPR Nation seeks to raise awareness about Sudden Cardiac Arrest and provide resources to Sudden Cardiac Arrest survivors and their families

CPR Week Kicks off June 1st!!!

Celebrate National CPR Week!!

It’s National CPR Week! Watch the American Heart Association’s new sports-themed PSA, which can be seen at http://bit.ly/KZFwMC. Now that you know Hands-Only CPR, share the CPR Ready image with your Facebook friends so they know you’re ready to save a life!

Tomorrow, Saturday, June 1, kicks off National CPR Week. This year our focus is on Hands-Only CPR as we continue the WellPoint Foundation funded Hands-Only CPR tour and awareness campaign.

Check out the new sports-themed PSA and instructional video at www.heart.org/handsonlycpr

I encourage those who know CPR (that should be everyone, right?!) to post the attached “CPR Ready meme” as their profile picture on their social media accounts to help us spread the word. AHA leaders, we ask that you share this message with your staff and ask them to post the meme, too. Also, everyone should encourage friends and family who know CPR to do the same. We want this to take over social media over the next week!

Below are some sample social media messages you can use when you post the meme to your profile picture. Also, we’ve provided instructions for posting the CPR Ready meme to your Facebook.

Facebook Messages

Do you know CPR? If so, post our CPR Ready pic as your profile pic and share with friends so they know you’re ready to save a life. 

Have you ever used CPR to save a life? You’re a hero, and we want others to know it. Using the American Heart Association’s CPR Ready image as an example, create your own image by having a friend take a picture of you in the locked hands position. Then share it with your friends so they know the importance of CPR to save lives.  [Insert CPR Ready image]



Do you know CPR? If so, share this pic w/ pals so they know you’re #CPRReady.

#Didyouknow Hands-Only CPR can double a cardiac arrest victim’s chances of survival? Share the #CPRReady pic if you know CPR!

Watch our new PSA to learn Hands-Only CPR: http://bit.ly/KZFwMC. Now you’re #CPRReady! . 

How to make an image your profile picture on Facebook:

  • Save the image to your computer
  • Click on “Edit Profile Picture” on your profile picture
  • Select Upload Photo from the dropdown menu
  • Select the Hands Graphic from where you saved it on your computer


We’re hoping to make a huge impact over the next week, and I appreciate any help you can provide in sharing CPR & First Aid’s lifesaving messages about the importance of learning Hands-Only CPR.

Here’s to a successful 2013 CPR Week!





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